NAB 2019
Another exhausting, exciting, but thankfully successful Vegas trip! Check out some videos and pics from my main stage presentations at the Avid booth! (click on pics to enlarge)
Quick little promo for the main stage presentations
Cinedeck Podcast - Freelancer’s Toolkit Series 1
In May of 2019, I had the pleasure of being asked to do a podcast to discuss the tools that I use on an everyday basis as a freelancer in NYC. Here I discuss my career path and the tools that help me keep on top of things as a colorist and finishing editor, including , but not limited to, Davinci Resolve, Filmlight’s Baselight, Avid, Cinedeck’s CineXtools, and Boris FX.
HPA Tech Retreat Special Guest for Cine X Tools
(Feb. 2019)
Flattered to be invited by Cinedeck to speak on there behalf at the 2019 HPA Tech Retreat in Palm Springs, CA. Come join good friend and colleague Matt Schneider and I at our 2 breakfast round tables, hosted by Cinedeck’s John Harris, February 13th & 14th. Where we will discuss the power and efficiency of using Cine X Tools in your post production workflows, and hear how much time and money it can save you!
Digital Production BuZZ - Podcast (Jan. 2019)
On January 31st, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Larry Jordan for Digital Production BuZZ’s weekly podcast, where I was able to discuss my career path along with working closely with Filmight and the great things about using the Baselight Editions Plug-in For Avid.
Click on the picture to be taken to the website or listen to the podcast below
Filmlight Releases IBC Demo - Full Video
In September of 2018, Mike was a guest speaker at IBC for Filmlight. Showing off the power of the Baselight Editions Plug-in for Avid. Sharing his recent experiences live using the new Baselight 5 for Avid tools, with a focus on Base Grade, Texture Equalizer, Boost Contrast, and other new features.
Click here to be taken to Filmight’s website where you can watch the full video, along with other videos from the Filmlight Colour Day.
Carylanna and Jacob also had asked me to write a little blog about working on their film from a colorists point of view, and were kind enough to create an entire page on their website for me, complete with some before and after shots.
Click here to be taken directly to this page, and check out some examples below.
Post Production Podcast w/Matt Schneider
Had the great pleasure to once again team up with former co-worker and friend Matt Schneider, for an in depth discussion about post production workflows and the hurdles we have to go through. And most of all, how to navigate the ever changing world of technology, and the effects it has on the post.
AVID “Customer Stories” - Feature Article (Sept. 2018)
Avid does a full feature article about Mike’s career using Avid Media Composer along with his full career path that led him to this point. Including a 6 part tutorial series Mike made along with Avid, based on Mike’s 2018 NAB presentation. You can see all 6 parts below.
IBC 2018 Filmlight Guest Presenter in Amsterdam!
September 16th, 10:30-11:30
At IBC, Mike will present his recent experiences live using the new Baselight 5 for Avid tools, with a focus on Base Grade, Texture Equaliser, Boost Contrast, and other new features."
If you happen to be in Amsterdam in September and attending IBC, come stop by the Baselight sessions on Sunday September 16th where I will be working alongside the great Filmlight team and showing some more great features of the Baselight Editions Plug-in for Avid!! Plus many more awesome Filmight demos happening all day!
(Click here to Register)September 16th, 10:30-11:30
Some pictures from IBC 2018! (click on images to read a bit about them)
CineX Tools - “Moving Beyond DPX” (Sept. 2018)
CineXtools talks about workflows Mike developed last year, alongside Matt Schneider, Director of Technology, at Technicolor-Postworks NY.
Discussing the power of CineX in a 4K environment while working flawlessly between Avid Media Composer conform and Davinci Resolve color.
Randi Altman’s postPerspective - Blog (Sept 2018)
Randi Altman’s PostPerspective website asked Mike to write a blog about IBC. In 2018, Mike did demos at both NAB in Las Vegas in April (on the Avid Main stage) and at IBC in Amsterdam in September (FIlmlight’s Colour day). Here he talks about the differences between NAB vs. IBC, from a presenters point of view.
A fresh point of view from the wife! via
Randi Altman’s postPerspective - BlogBlog (Sept. 2018)
Mike’s wife, Martina, had the unique adventure of joining him for the IBC show. She is an assistant editor on the ShowTime show “Billions” about to start it’s 4th season, and before she goes back to work, she wanted to experience what an industry convention felt like. Here she blogs about her experience as “An IBC Virgin”.
Feature article for FilmLight's "Meet the Colourist" series is published!
(June 2018)
Filmlight sits down with Mike to do an in depth article on his recent work, as well as the career path that took him to where he is now.
NAB 2018 Guest Speaker (April 2018)
With Mike's ongoing close relationship with Avid and Filmight, he was asked back to NAB in 2018 to some more color correction demos on the Avid main stage, this time as a freelancer.
Doing a 25 minute demo everyday of the show, Mike showed off some key features and some "tips and tricks" of both the Avid Symphony color tools as well as the Baselight Editions plug-in for Avid.
Below are some pics from the show as well as an interview with Avid’s Matt Feury from the NAB floor.

CineX User story (Nov. 2017)
In late 2017, Mike was asked to be a part of the User Story blog for CineX, the new file base inserting tool developed by CineXtools.
Here he talks about how to implement CineX into 4k workflows to emulate what DPX workflows take advantage of all the time.
Avid blogs: File-Based Post (Sept. 2017)
An article that fellow co-worker, Matt Schneider, wrote for the Avid blogs page, mainly focused on Matt's career in file-based post, but Mike is mentioned as his close collaborator.
B&H Studio Presentation & AVID webinar (Oct. 2016)
On the heels of a successful NAB presentation, Mike and Matt were asked to do a more "hometown" version for B&H in NYC, for those folks who could not make it out to Las Vegas.
As well as a live Webinar hosted by AVID.
Australian's 'Digital Media World' (June 2016)
In 2016, Digital Media World, wrote an article about Mike and his work on ‘Soundbreaking: Stories from the Cutting Edge of Recorded Music'. Discussing how he tackled working with different frame rates and formats, while also creating looks spanning over 5 decades of footage, using Filmilight's Baselight Plug-in for Avid.
PGA and PANY Present -
Post Memento: Working backwards from final delivery (June 2016)
In June of 2016 Mike was asked to be a panelists for the Producer's Guild Of America's workflow panel held at the Parsons New School.
Here he joined 4 other professionals in the industry to discuss the exact steps in delivery a film or TV show from start to finish, or in this case from finish to start.
Mike was asked to speak specifically about he role of a post production house and what steps were needed to get in and out as smoothly as possible.
NAB 2016
Featured Presenter
(April 2016)
In April of 2016, Mike was asked by AVID and Filmlight to head out to Las Vegas for NAB. There, alongside fellow co-worker Matt Schneider, Mike took the main stage at the AVID booth to do a 45 minute presentation of the Baselight Plug-in for AVID.
Demonstrating techniques in both coloring directly in AVID using the Plug-in as well as workflows he helped develop to move color grades flawlessly and quickly between AVID and a full Baselight system.
See some pics below from NAB

Shoot Online - 'Younger' workflow
(June 2015)
In 2015, Mike helped develop a render-less workflow using Filmlight's new Baselight Plug-in for Avid alongside co-worker colorist Anthony Raffaelle which has now been implemented into many network television shows being finished at Technicolor-Postworks.
(May 2015)
In 2015, Mike was on the cutting edge of breaking into the 4K world for the first time on the Avid platform. National Geographic's Russia's Wild Arctic was one the first projects to take on the new 4K format and really capture the power that it can bring to a project.
Many late nights/weekends and constant phone calls were necessary to work with the Avid development team to literally build private releases to get the job done. In the end, everyone came out stronger!
Post Magazine - ‘Baselight Helps Limit Rendering’
(April 2015)
Post Magazine ran an article about Mike's color correction work on the PBS Documentary series A Path Appears from Executive Producers Maro Chermayoff & Jeff Dupre, based on the investigative journalist Nicholas Kristof's look at critical social issues, including sex trafficking, gender-based violence and child slavery.
This was one of over 10 documentary's Mike has done with Maro and Jeff's production company "Show Of Force" since 2007.
This article focus' on how mike used the new Baselight Plug-in for Avid to seamlessly work between the Avid and full Baselight systems. Picture conform was done in the Avid, then colored on the Baselight and brought back to Avid for titles and final review, all done with making only a 5MB AAF.
“Avid Uncutt” by Steve Hullfish
(May 2014)
In 2014 Mike was working on the Steven Spielberg NBC series SMASH, when he was interviewed by Steve for his upcoming book.
Focusing on the editorial finishing side of things, the book was published and includes over 15 pages dedicated to Mike and his work on Network Television series.